Lost with all hands

My aircraft carrier sank
Research continues
Scraping the reefs, I extract some unspeakable debris
Its wreck remains a full mystery

The pace of my commemorations quickens
And funeral wreaths
Revolve around my waist like hula-hoops
Circling my goods and their lost body

What do remain from the screeching that upset me during the takeoff?
I don't swim so well without his broad shoulders breaststrokes
We were sailing I believe
The Earth's gravity was not offended at our jolts

He mesured my soul's tides
The current of my moods
And it was not any luxury
Riding the waves, riding the waves, that was his thing

My aircraft carrier sank in oversight
Buried, going round between the reflux
I am amazed to have ignored until the end
The severity of his damage
And its frequency, I also neglected it

  He floated for a long time through the air that I gave him
Dived, dived since in the deep
I agreed wholeheartedly to his senses when he took me on a groundswell
Then he engulfed

Distress messages I can receive some
Some SOS thrown from the shoals
Launched as he can against his submersion
And standing facing the high sea, motionless in the center of the flat calm
I hear them